The spatial models of radiation of jets of combustion products of rocket engines

Main results

Actual problems

  • Creation of a database of spectral optical properties of the emitting gases at high temperatures taking into account the fine structure of the rotational spectrum and the nonequilibrium excitation of molecular components;
  • Development of new Monte Carlo algorithms (including algorithms for parallel computing) for calculation of the spectral emissivity with and without consideration of the fine rotational structure;
  • Calculation of signatures of emitting objects taking into account fine rotational structure of the spectrum;
  • Development of 3-dimensional models taking into account the spatial and temporal fluctuations and nonequilibrium radiation.

The development of algorithms of local sampling for simulation of signatures

  • Generation of quasi-random numbers;
  • Calculation of the angular coordinates of the isotropic and anisotropic random unit vector;
  • Statistical estimation of the initial coordinates of the trajectories of photons;
  • Calculation of the trajectory of group of photons in an inhomogeneous medium;
  • Simulation of the mean free path;
  • Statistical estimation of collision processes of photons with particles of the medium;
  • Calculation of the probability of absorption or scattering of group of photons;
  • Assessment of the contribution to the radiation after each elementary act of interaction of group of photons with particles of the medium;
  • The calculation of the spectral intensity based on the results of simulation;
  • The calculation of the spectral flux of thermal radiation;
  • Evaluation of the statistical error of the simulation results.
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Temperature of the gas (left) and of the condensed phase (right) in the axisymmetric jet

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The temperature of the gas in the block jet

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The integral emissivity of the 3 block jet of the first type with a high level of scattering
Nph=106, where Nph - number of photon

8(a) 9(b)

The spectral signature of a tactical missile with fuel based on AP/HTPB:
a) xAl2O3=0.0005, rp=1.0 μm, NAl2O3=4.04*104 cm-3;
b) xAl2O3=0.05, rp=1.0 μm, NAl2O3=4.25*106 cm-3.

The prediction of the spectral directional emissivity of a cylindrical volume (H2O/N2) at high temperatures

11(a) 12(b)

Interpretation of ERIM experimental data:
a) Spectral optical model with averaging on 25 cm-1;
b) Optical model based on the HITRAN data.

The prediction of the spectral directional emissivity of a cylindrical volume (CO2/N2) at high temperatures

13(a) 14(b) 15(c)

Interpretation of ERIM experimental data (results were obtained using temperature extrapolated HITRAN data):
a) Averaging over the rotational structure (JLBL=0, JSUM=1);
b) Averaging over the rotational structure (JLBL=0, JSUM=0);
c) A statistical model of the rotational lines (JLBL=3).

The prediction of the spectral directional emissivity of a cylindrical volume (CO2/N2), weakned by a cold gas

16(a) 17(b)

Interpretation of ERIM experimental data (results were obtained using temperature extrapolated HITRAN data):
a) A statistical model of the rotational lines (JLBL=2, approximation of the weak line),
a spectral group model 25 cm-1;
b) A statistical model (JLBL=2), a spectral group model 25 cm-1.

The prediction of the spectral directional emissivity of a cylindrical volume (CO2/N2), weakned by a cold gas

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Interpretation of ERIM experimental data. Line-by-line calculations with the spectral resolution of 0.0083 cm-1