YAKUSH Sergey Evgenievich
head of department |
DIKALYUK Alexey Sergeevich
deputy head of the department |
- PhD, Physics and Mathematics;
- Leading Researcher, Laboratory of
Physical and Chemical Gas Dynamics (VNIIA).
- Lecturer in "Physics of shock waves",
"Physics of gas discharges", "Methods of parallel computing", "Numerical methods in physical research"
(alternative course for 3rd year MIPT students);
- Scientific supervisor of bachelor,
master and PhD studies of students and postgraduates of the department.
List of publications
SELEZNEV Roman Konstantinovich
|  |
- PhD, Physics and Mathematics;
- Senior Researcher, Laboratory of
Physical and Chemical Gas Dynamics (VNIIA).
- Lecturer in "Numerical models of physical mechanics",
"High-speed aerothermodynamics", "SCRAMJET: processes and characteristics";
- Scientific supervisor of bachelor
and master studies of students of the department.
List of publications
STOROZHEV Dmitry Alekseevich
|  |
- PhD, Physics and Mathematics;
- Senior Researcher, Laboratory of
Physical and Chemical Gas Dynamics (VNIIA).
- Lecturer in "Numerical models of physical mechanics",
"Molecular kinetic theory", "Theory of radiative processes";
- Scientific supervisor of bachelor
and master studies of students of the department.
List of publications