Completed national and international projects
- The development of universal
computer systems for prediction of radiative properties of emitting objects of rocket and space technology.
Main results.
- Investigations in the field of the
radiative gas dynamic of re-entry spacecrafts. Main results.
- The development of the computer methods
which help with assesment of the safety of emergency rescue system of astronauts and payload.
Main results.
- Study of nonequilibrium
spectral emissivity of strong shock waves. Main results.
- The development of the computer models
of plasma generators and accelerators working in the regime of the strong radiative-gas dynamic interaction.
Main results.
- The MHD of space plasma, active space
experiments and pulsed plasma accelerators. Main results.
- The aerophysics of the gas discharges
and laser plasmas. Main results.
- The investigation of combustion processes
of solid fuel. Main results.
- The spatial models of radiation of jets of
combustion products of rocket engines. Main results.
- Selective radiation transfer in complex two-
and three-dimensional geometry. Main results.
- Experimental investigation of the structure of shock-wave configurations formed
in the flow around complex geometry models (in russian). More information.
- Numerical study of physical and chemical processes in a monoblock
of missile shells and highspeed devices (in russian). More information.
- Calculation of partition functions and thermodynamic potentials
for diatomic molecules. Main results.