Selective radiation transfer in complex two- and three-dimensional geometry
Main results
- At the Department of Physical and Chemical Mechanics MIPT on the basis of the Institute of Problems in Mechanics RAS named after A. Yu. Ishlinsky a two-dimensional code that allows to calculate radiation fluxes to the surface of bodies of complex shape is developed;
- The developed computer program allows one to carry out calculations on both structured and unstructured grids adapted to specific body geometry;
- The ASTEROID program is built into the computer code, which calculates the spectral properties of the absorbing medium and, accordingly, allows for a complete spectral calculation in a wide range of wave numbers;
- A short program operation time (spectral calculation is carried out in 30 minutes of computer time) is achieved by implementing radiation transfer in the P1 approximation of the spherical harmonics method.
- More information may be found in the book (in russian): Surzhikov S.T. Thermal radiation of gases and plasma, Moscow: BMSTU publishing, 2004. 544 p. (Computer models of physical mechanics).
The results of the calculation of the radiation field in the vicinity of a spherical body upon re-entry into the atmosphere of Mars at a speed of 40 M
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Temperature field at the surface of a spherical apparatus. Free flow parameters correspond to 42 seconds of MSRO spacecraft descent
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Comparison of the spectral flux density to the surface of a sphere. The solid curve is the result of the P1 approximation, the dashed curve is the result of the discrete direction method
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Volume density of radiation energy, erg/cm3